The Clan

The Clan

Homeschool Life

Homeschool Daily Schedule
One of the most common questions I'm asked about homeschool is "How do you make it work?" We are very organized with our time. Face it, the opposite of structure is chaos! However, there are times when we run behind schedule despite my efforts. The schedule is still a great guide to help us get back on track. Here is a the running of our typical school day:

6:15 - 7:00    Mom wakes up, prays, has devotion, start a load of laundry
7:00 - 7:30    Jevani wakes up, grooms himself, makes up his bed
7:30 - 8:00    Jevani does the homeschool program while mom gets the other kids dressed, they make up their bed, and mom makes breakfast.
8:00 - 8:30    Breakfast, prayer, Bible lesson, pledge of allegiance
-------From this point, they all (preschool, kindergarten, and 3rd grade) follow different schedules-------
Jenesis: Follows the same schedule as Jenoah, but I allow her to come and go as she doesn't have the attention span of her brothers.

8:30 - 9:15   Language Arts
9:15 - 10:00 Math
10:00-10:25   Recess/Snack Break and mom puts dinner in the crock pot and starts another laundry load.
10:25-11:00  Activity (Story Time, Art, Music, etc.)
11:00-11:45 or Science with Jevani, if we're doing a fun experiment
11:45-12:45  Mom makes lunch while everyone cleans the classroom
12:45---      Nap time or Enrichment activity or errands and appointments


8:30 - 9:15   Language Arts
9:15 - 10:00 Math
10:00-10:25   Recess/Snack Break and mom puts dinner in the crock pot and starts another laundry load.
10:25-11:00  Computer based Social Studies class
11:00-11:45  Science
11:45-12:45  Mom makes lunch while everyone cleans the classroom
12:45---      Nap time (yeah right, mom!), Enrichment activity, or errands and appointments

Home School Activities and Field Trips
Here are some of our recent projects and activities:

 ^^^"What a Plant Needs to Grow"^^^ (above)

^^^Making Gourds"^^^ (above photos)

^^^"Soap Boats"^^^ (above pictures)

^^^"An Apron for Mom"^^^

^^^"Function of the Small Intestine"^^^

^^^ Field Trip to the Firefighters Museum with our Homeschool Group ^^^

^^^ Field trip to the Honey Bee Farm with the Homeschool Group ^^^