The US Navy has been going through many changes in the recent years. One of the most exciting, aggravating, and talked about change was (is) the change in uniform colors and styles. When the changes first came about, my husband's command didn't hesitate to immediately enforce the new policy. This meant that we had to spend $500 (at least) to redo his work wardrobe, down to the boots and blousing straps. We were so annoyed since he had just purchased new uniforms. Now those new uniforms were old news and good for the trash.The new working uniform had gone from green camo to blue camo. I guess to blend in with the ocean? Sure was strange to us.
I asked him "Babe, you think ya'll will ever just stop wearing camouflage for good? I mean, most of ya'll will never be in a situation that you'll really need to be camouflaged."
He answered, "No. The uniform is not just for camouflage, it serves a purpose of identification. If there is ever a national disaster or warfare, people will easily know who to come to for help in the midst of chaos."
Sometime later, I heard a sermon dealing with spiritual/religious warfare. It's my belief that spiritual warfare is amongst us right now. It has been since Bible times and I believe it is getting increasingly worse. So many people are lost and confused about their identity and purpose in life. Satan is certainly busy, but we (Christian brothers and sisters) have to get busy too. You'd be surprised at the number of lost souls who are yearning for our help, but they don't know who to turn to. Lots of Christians just blend in with society and the majority of those we come in contact with are unaware that we are in God's Army. The US military is the most prestigious and organized groups of armed forces in the world. The Lord wants things to be decent and in order too. His army should be just as organized as the US military.
I miss the times when all Christian women of every denomination wore long skirts and were easily identified as members of God's Army. It kinda makes me sad that we are moving away from those old values. Even when skirts and dresses are worn to church, it's only out of respect of the old school church members. On any other day, modesty is cast to the wind.
Often times when I go to stores with my daughter, both of us in long skirts and modestly dressed, I am asked "What church do you go to?" or "Will you pray for me?" I didn't get those questions when I wore jeans and tried to blend in with the world. I've decided to dress modestly and set myself apart from the world in the way I dress. It's a simple way to be easily identified as a soldier in the Army of God during this spiritual warfare. It's our duty to portray Christ in all that we do in order to be a light in a dark world. It's not only in the way we dress, but also the way we act and speak. But lets face it. People will judge a book by it's cover and I want my cover to say "Christ" even before my words are heard.
80-90% of the time, my daughter and I are modestly dressed in a skirt or dress. I'm working towards making this our 100% wardrobe. It's hard (and expensive) to change your entire wardrobe, but it's a change I'm making for God. The Navy gave my husband no choice, so I'm giving myself no choice.
I love this! I never thought of my skirt wearing as my uniform but it makes perfect sense!