"You're pregnant AGAIN?!"
Yes, and we are so excited! Isn't God good?
November 16, 2011 is an anniversary I'll never forget. That night after a romantic dinner and movie, we found out that we were expecting our 5th baby. Johnny was so happy he could barely control himself. I was so nervous I could barely stand. Jericho is so young (only 5 months old)! How did my body let this happen if I'm exclusively breastfeeding? Will this pregnancy and postpartum be as scary as the last? And Oh! Most of all, what will people think? I began to panic, but Johnny reminded me of the commitment we made many months prior to fully surrender our fertility into the hands of God (where it rightfully belongs) and He will reward us for our obedience and faith. After about 10 more SUPER positive pregnancy tests, I finally began to process this reality: I'm having another baby? I'm about to be a mother of 5? YES! I'm having another baby and proudly becoming a mother of 5!!! We knew that we'd have another baby at some point but becasue of our previous difficulties with trying to conceive and miscarriages, we thought for sure it would be well after Jericho's 1st birthday.
Well there we are with this exciting news, anxious to shout it to the world. Lets start with some "friends" first, shall we? I sent an email to 2 friends, no response from either one. Hmm, maybe they didn't get the email? Well, they responded to other emails I sent, but not the announcement email. Called to tell a relative. No congrats, just seemed kinda disappointed as if we were two irresponsible teenagers. Called another relative, same response. No happiness at all. Brought my high to an immediate low. I just wanted to hide in the house until the baby is born. From that point, we decided we wouldn't tell any more relatives or friends. Those who didn't know wont know or may hear it through the grapevine. Whatever. We were much to excited to continue to subject ourselves to the negativity. After some deep thought and conversation with a naysayer, I've got some explanation of the reason the responses I received.
1. Five kids just sounds overwhelming. Most people would consider it a burden
2. Jericho is so young. People assume that this MUST be a flaw in our birth control. Who could possibly allow this to happen on purpose? So instead of giving congrats, they are sympathetic... or just as disgusted as they think we must be.
3. Concerns about my health. Yes, I had a rough time during the final weeks of my fourth pregnancy. Postpartum was a long, hard journey too. However, there are factors to consider. First, I was stressed out because we involuntarily moved 3 times within a month (due date month) and we had very little money to do it with. One of which was an international move from Cuba. Second, Johnny had to leave me to go back to Cuba only a few days before the baby was born. Third, I had the flu and was on tons of medications that led to other problems, I developed pre-eclampsia, and I was left to care for 3 kids and 2 dogs, while extremely pregnant and living on the 3rd floor of a cramped apartment all by myself. And finally, just because one pregnancy is bad doesn't mean they'll all be that way. Maybe the family felt like they had to help us out too much last time and they are exhausted.
Who cares why you think this pregnancy is a bad idea! We are happily married and financially and spiritually stable. Five children may not be a blessing you'd want for yourself, but it is a blessing and we are VERY happy. If you have a problem with it, go talk to God. He makes people. People don't make people.
Sharing the news didn't go how I thought it would, but let me tell you, this household and the Lord above is rejoicing daily for the joy this sweet baby will bring.
Today I'm celebrating our 20th week of pregnancy. Exactly half way to the finish. So far this has been the most perfect pregnancy I've ever had. Baby is growing great, I feel amazing, and there are no complications at all. We have already picked name, but the baby's gender and name will remain a secret until he/she is born. I can't wait to meet this little person!
Congratulations Momma! I am still so thrilled for yall! Did you find out the gender or are you letting it be a surprise? You must be in the home stretch now. How are you feeling?