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Young -n- Old School
"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls..." Jeremiah 6:16
The Clan

Thursday, January 17, 2013
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
November Old School Challenge - Day 14: No boxed snacks
Today is day 14 of no boxed or pre-made snacks in the house and I'm about ready to call it quits! I've been making all of our children's snacks from scratch and it definitely has it's pros and it's cons as well.
1. We've saved a lot of money. Never realized how expensive Nabisco packs and Lays potato chip variety packs could be. Especially for a family of 7.
2. Less trash. One of my pet peeves about snack time is the dozens of snack wrappers and empty family pack boxes that take up space in the trash. I recently started doing more recycling and reusing since I felt really guilty about the amount of recyclable items in our trash that just get tossed into a land field. Even still, snacks made up over 60% of our household waste. I've noticed a huge difference ion the number of trash bags we're using within the last 14 days.
3. Less waste. I despise wasted food! I will finish off everyone's food even when I'm full just to prevent having to put it down the garbage disposal. This is one of the reasons I have a hard time loosing weight. The kids absolutely love the homemade snacks I've been making. Even Daddy is begging for more! We have not had to throw anything away yet.
4. I feel healthier. So the day we began this journey, I took a look at the ingredients list on all of our snack boxes. WHY did I do that? Some of the stuff doesn't even seem legal to sell. Words like "processed with Alkali" and "MAY contain peanut or tree nut oil" What?! "May contain"??? "peanut OR tree nut"??? Well, if the manufacturers don't even know what they put in it, then how do I know if it's safe for my family? My children and husband have all had occasional tummy troubles that we just overlook, but I've noticed that the troubles have been almost non existent since we now have more wholesome snacks with simple ingredients.
1. Time. I must admit, I love the convenience of pre-made snacks. Just grab and go. It's preserved and no need for refrigeration. No need to bake cool, wrap, or store. No need to dirty pans or mixing bowls to prepare. Our kids have 2-3 snacks daily: morning, after nap, and before bed since we eat supper early. And of course they want a variety to choose from. Having to make that many snacks with lots of kids and pets and homeschooling and blah, blah, blah... it gets to be a chore for sure.
2. Supply and Demand. Everyone knows that homemade baked goods are much tastier than store bought ones. Same holds true with these snacks. The kids and husband (okay, me too) are eating significantly more because it's SOOO good! This means, I have to make and bake all the time to keep up with the demand.
Okay, yes. I can only come up with 2 cons, but those count as double by golly! I'm staying the course and doing my best to finish out the month though. This is no easy task. I will try to find time to post pics and recipes of the homemade snacks I made. Some include home rice crispy treats, cranberry cheesecake granola bars, low fat woopie pie, and homemade twinkies!
1. We've saved a lot of money. Never realized how expensive Nabisco packs and Lays potato chip variety packs could be. Especially for a family of 7.
2. Less trash. One of my pet peeves about snack time is the dozens of snack wrappers and empty family pack boxes that take up space in the trash. I recently started doing more recycling and reusing since I felt really guilty about the amount of recyclable items in our trash that just get tossed into a land field. Even still, snacks made up over 60% of our household waste. I've noticed a huge difference ion the number of trash bags we're using within the last 14 days.
3. Less waste. I despise wasted food! I will finish off everyone's food even when I'm full just to prevent having to put it down the garbage disposal. This is one of the reasons I have a hard time loosing weight. The kids absolutely love the homemade snacks I've been making. Even Daddy is begging for more! We have not had to throw anything away yet.
4. I feel healthier. So the day we began this journey, I took a look at the ingredients list on all of our snack boxes. WHY did I do that? Some of the stuff doesn't even seem legal to sell. Words like "processed with Alkali" and "MAY contain peanut or tree nut oil" What?! "May contain"??? "peanut OR tree nut"??? Well, if the manufacturers don't even know what they put in it, then how do I know if it's safe for my family? My children and husband have all had occasional tummy troubles that we just overlook, but I've noticed that the troubles have been almost non existent since we now have more wholesome snacks with simple ingredients.
1. Time. I must admit, I love the convenience of pre-made snacks. Just grab and go. It's preserved and no need for refrigeration. No need to bake cool, wrap, or store. No need to dirty pans or mixing bowls to prepare. Our kids have 2-3 snacks daily: morning, after nap, and before bed since we eat supper early. And of course they want a variety to choose from. Having to make that many snacks with lots of kids and pets and homeschooling and blah, blah, blah... it gets to be a chore for sure.
2. Supply and Demand. Everyone knows that homemade baked goods are much tastier than store bought ones. Same holds true with these snacks. The kids and husband (okay, me too) are eating significantly more because it's SOOO good! This means, I have to make and bake all the time to keep up with the demand.
Okay, yes. I can only come up with 2 cons, but those count as double by golly! I'm staying the course and doing my best to finish out the month though. This is no easy task. I will try to find time to post pics and recipes of the homemade snacks I made. Some include home rice crispy treats, cranberry cheesecake granola bars, low fat woopie pie, and homemade twinkies!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
12 months of Old School Practices
Different people may receive different messages from this blog's theme scripture, Jeremiah 6:16. But to me, it means that peace can be found in the practices of yesteryear. Today, modern conveniences and technologies have taken us away from the way God would have us to live in ways we'd never think of. In many ways we are hurting ourselves and our children by relying upon certain modern practices and forsaking the old. By seeking and embracing old time principals and practices, I'm expecting to teach our children TRUE survival skills. I'm expecting to have a closer relationship with the Lord. I'm expecting to live healthier lives. I'm expecting to save money. I'm expecting to have less time for foolishness (internet, tv, phone chatting) because conveniences are being taken out of the equation. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for many of the conveniences and technologies of today, but I think many of us tend to go overboard. There should be a checks and balances.
Over the next 12 months, my family and I will experiment with various old time ways for one month each. I will give written and video journal updates along the way. We had a little help from friends to come up with this list. I am SO nervous to try some of these. Are my friends trying to help, or be cruel. Hmmm...
November: Purchase no snack food. Make/Bake everything from scratch with the kids. Also start the 12 month journey of all natural hair. No relaxer, no dyes.
December: Use a grinder to make flour for baking our own bread with the kids. No Wonder Bread for the month.
January: Eliminate all processed sugar. Teach the kids to be aware of these foods.
February: No dish washer or washing machine. (Yikes!)
March: Teach the kids to sew and make at least 2 things for each child to wear.
April: JRock (hubby) will teach the kids how to use power tools to make their own toys. They will work on toy building rather than play video games this month.
I'll add in the next 6 months of experiments later. Check in often to see our progress!
Over the next 12 months, my family and I will experiment with various old time ways for one month each. I will give written and video journal updates along the way. We had a little help from friends to come up with this list. I am SO nervous to try some of these. Are my friends trying to help, or be cruel. Hmmm...
November: Purchase no snack food. Make/Bake everything from scratch with the kids. Also start the 12 month journey of all natural hair. No relaxer, no dyes.
December: Use a grinder to make flour for baking our own bread with the kids. No Wonder Bread for the month.
January: Eliminate all processed sugar. Teach the kids to be aware of these foods.
February: No dish washer or washing machine. (Yikes!)
March: Teach the kids to sew and make at least 2 things for each child to wear.
April: JRock (hubby) will teach the kids how to use power tools to make their own toys. They will work on toy building rather than play video games this month.
I'll add in the next 6 months of experiments later. Check in often to see our progress!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Belated Birth Announcement... Birthing "Praise"
This is certainly late, but too amazing not to share.
My husband had been out of work for almost a year, thanks to military budget cuts. He's in the reserves, but that's not enough income for a household of six and another baby on the way. But we were making it by the grace of God.
The baby was due July 21. In my mind, that meant that I'd go into labor 2-3 weeks early, as usual. To tell you the truth, I really didn't care if I went passed my due date. I was so overwhelmed with trying to get Jer-bear to finally sleep through the night and I would've liked the extra time to get prepared. Besides, I still needed baby items and it's hard to buy baby needs when you don't have any income, you know? Hubby was still putting in job applications daily, but no luck. We had no babysitter for the 4 kids either. Four kids was more than anyone we knew was willing to keep at a time. The people we knew who were willing to help only wanted to take 1 or 2 of the kids. Everyone lived so far apart and it would take us at least 2 hours to place every child! We attempted to hire on-call sitters, but the idea of a stranger keeping our kids didn't feel right. So we decided to take the kids to the hospital with us.
I went to my 38 week appointment and was told that I was 3.5 cm dilated. I was nervous. The doc told me that if I make it to the next appointment, he'd send me to the hospital to speed things along. Since we live so far from the hospital and this was baby #5, he didn't want to take any chances that I could give birth in route. Hubby got a call from a potential employer. They wanted an interview right away. So he went and got hired!... but they wanted him to start the mandatory training on the day after I was supposed to be induced. So we tried everything in the book to get the baby out within days so that he could make it to the training. I was having tons of very strong contractions, but nothing consistent. So I made it to the next appointment. 39 weeks. Got a quick check and the doc seemed puzzled that I was still walking around and said he really didn't feel comfortable sending me back home. He never told me how dilated I was, but told me to go across the street to the hospital and tell them that my last check was 3.5 cm, but I was much more than that at this point. They usually like to have a week notice for inductions, so he had to conjure up a plan to get me admitted so that he could order the pitocin. I left hubby and the 4 kids in the lobby and Jear-bear started screaming because he wanted "booby time". He had never been away from me. The triage nurse checked me and was shocked that I wasn't screaming in hardcore labor pain. She told me that I was 6 cm dilated! I was surprised too. I was contracting here and there, but nothing painful. I was still smiling and talking. She immediately had me admitted and invited the family to come back. By the time I got to the L&D room, I had dilated a little more. It was 4pm at the time.
Jear-bear climbed onto the bed and I gave him some much needed "booby time" and that cause some more contractions. Hubby looked at me and said, "I guess I wont be getting that job now, huh?" I shrugged and apologized. "Give God praise anyhow, my dear."
Got the pitocin going and I was starving. Hubby took the kids to Taco Bell and brought me some too. I'm a rebel. I broke the rules and had a quesadilla and iced tea while in labor lol. I was starting to feel the contractions finally. The nurse checked at 6pm and I had reached 8 cm. The doc broke my water and he and the nurse decided to go have a quick supper. I got up to use the bathroom. As I sat on the toilet the pain got so intense that I began to call on Jesus and speak in tongues! Fortunately, the kids were very well behaved and distracted. We had movies for them to watch and new coloring books and crayons. The plan was to keep them in the room until pushing time, then hubby would step out with the kids. My body was telling me it was time to push. At 6:15, Hubby called in another nurse along with a student nurse. She tells me "It's not time yet, sweetie. You're only 8 cm and your doctor went to eat supper." She then tells the student nurse to offer me some ice. I yell, "No! I don't want ice! This baby is coming!" They ignored me. I couldn't hold back any longer. I ripped the bed sheet off of me and out popped the baby's head. As soon as hubby realized what was happening, he grabbed the kids and headed for the door. My 9 year old turned around to see what was going on and he caught a glimpse of the baby's head. "Whoa cool!" He shouted. Hubby pulled him out of the room.
The nurse called for immediate back up and told me not to push. I didn't listen. I grabbed the baby's head and neck and gave one last push, one last scream, and I pulled the rest of the baby's body out onto the bed. The nurse and student nurse looked at me with dropped jaws. Speechless. The baby laid there on the bed crying, and I laid my head back with my eyes shut. 5 back up nurses and a backup doctor came in and saw the baby laying there. I lifted my head and said, "My crotch hurts."
I had just delivered my own baby without assistance. No epidural. No nothing.
Only hubby and I knew the baby's gender. After I was all cleaned up, we were proud to introduce our little BOY to the world. Judah (Hebrew for 'praise') Immanuel was born on 7-11 and weighed 7lbs11oz. We give God praise for this little boy.
The next day, hubby called the employer and told them we had no one to keep our children while I was in the hospital. They were so understanding. They put him on payroll anyway and allowed him to spend a week with me and the new baby WITH paternity leave pay! They let him start the training a week later. Praise be to God!
My husband had been out of work for almost a year, thanks to military budget cuts. He's in the reserves, but that's not enough income for a household of six and another baby on the way. But we were making it by the grace of God.
The baby was due July 21. In my mind, that meant that I'd go into labor 2-3 weeks early, as usual. To tell you the truth, I really didn't care if I went passed my due date. I was so overwhelmed with trying to get Jer-bear to finally sleep through the night and I would've liked the extra time to get prepared. Besides, I still needed baby items and it's hard to buy baby needs when you don't have any income, you know? Hubby was still putting in job applications daily, but no luck. We had no babysitter for the 4 kids either. Four kids was more than anyone we knew was willing to keep at a time. The people we knew who were willing to help only wanted to take 1 or 2 of the kids. Everyone lived so far apart and it would take us at least 2 hours to place every child! We attempted to hire on-call sitters, but the idea of a stranger keeping our kids didn't feel right. So we decided to take the kids to the hospital with us.
I went to my 38 week appointment and was told that I was 3.5 cm dilated. I was nervous. The doc told me that if I make it to the next appointment, he'd send me to the hospital to speed things along. Since we live so far from the hospital and this was baby #5, he didn't want to take any chances that I could give birth in route. Hubby got a call from a potential employer. They wanted an interview right away. So he went and got hired!... but they wanted him to start the mandatory training on the day after I was supposed to be induced. So we tried everything in the book to get the baby out within days so that he could make it to the training. I was having tons of very strong contractions, but nothing consistent. So I made it to the next appointment. 39 weeks. Got a quick check and the doc seemed puzzled that I was still walking around and said he really didn't feel comfortable sending me back home. He never told me how dilated I was, but told me to go across the street to the hospital and tell them that my last check was 3.5 cm, but I was much more than that at this point. They usually like to have a week notice for inductions, so he had to conjure up a plan to get me admitted so that he could order the pitocin. I left hubby and the 4 kids in the lobby and Jear-bear started screaming because he wanted "booby time". He had never been away from me. The triage nurse checked me and was shocked that I wasn't screaming in hardcore labor pain. She told me that I was 6 cm dilated! I was surprised too. I was contracting here and there, but nothing painful. I was still smiling and talking. She immediately had me admitted and invited the family to come back. By the time I got to the L&D room, I had dilated a little more. It was 4pm at the time.
Jear-bear climbed onto the bed and I gave him some much needed "booby time" and that cause some more contractions. Hubby looked at me and said, "I guess I wont be getting that job now, huh?" I shrugged and apologized. "Give God praise anyhow, my dear."
Got the pitocin going and I was starving. Hubby took the kids to Taco Bell and brought me some too. I'm a rebel. I broke the rules and had a quesadilla and iced tea while in labor lol. I was starting to feel the contractions finally. The nurse checked at 6pm and I had reached 8 cm. The doc broke my water and he and the nurse decided to go have a quick supper. I got up to use the bathroom. As I sat on the toilet the pain got so intense that I began to call on Jesus and speak in tongues! Fortunately, the kids were very well behaved and distracted. We had movies for them to watch and new coloring books and crayons. The plan was to keep them in the room until pushing time, then hubby would step out with the kids. My body was telling me it was time to push. At 6:15, Hubby called in another nurse along with a student nurse. She tells me "It's not time yet, sweetie. You're only 8 cm and your doctor went to eat supper." She then tells the student nurse to offer me some ice. I yell, "No! I don't want ice! This baby is coming!" They ignored me. I couldn't hold back any longer. I ripped the bed sheet off of me and out popped the baby's head. As soon as hubby realized what was happening, he grabbed the kids and headed for the door. My 9 year old turned around to see what was going on and he caught a glimpse of the baby's head. "Whoa cool!" He shouted. Hubby pulled him out of the room.
The nurse called for immediate back up and told me not to push. I didn't listen. I grabbed the baby's head and neck and gave one last push, one last scream, and I pulled the rest of the baby's body out onto the bed. The nurse and student nurse looked at me with dropped jaws. Speechless. The baby laid there on the bed crying, and I laid my head back with my eyes shut. 5 back up nurses and a backup doctor came in and saw the baby laying there. I lifted my head and said, "My crotch hurts."
I had just delivered my own baby without assistance. No epidural. No nothing.
Only hubby and I knew the baby's gender. After I was all cleaned up, we were proud to introduce our little BOY to the world. Judah (Hebrew for 'praise') Immanuel was born on 7-11 and weighed 7lbs11oz. We give God praise for this little boy.
The next day, hubby called the employer and told them we had no one to keep our children while I was in the hospital. They were so understanding. They put him on payroll anyway and allowed him to spend a week with me and the new baby WITH paternity leave pay! They let him start the training a week later. Praise be to God!
Monday, June 18, 2012
God's Army Has a Uniform: Why We Wear Skirts
The US Navy has been going through many changes in the recent years. One of the most exciting, aggravating, and talked about change was (is) the change in uniform colors and styles. When the changes first came about, my husband's command didn't hesitate to immediately enforce the new policy. This meant that we had to spend $500 (at least) to redo his work wardrobe, down to the boots and blousing straps. We were so annoyed since he had just purchased new uniforms. Now those new uniforms were old news and good for the trash.The new working uniform had gone from green camo to blue camo. I guess to blend in with the ocean? Sure was strange to us.
I asked him "Babe, you think ya'll will ever just stop wearing camouflage for good? I mean, most of ya'll will never be in a situation that you'll really need to be camouflaged."
He answered, "No. The uniform is not just for camouflage, it serves a purpose of identification. If there is ever a national disaster or warfare, people will easily know who to come to for help in the midst of chaos."
Sometime later, I heard a sermon dealing with spiritual/religious warfare. It's my belief that spiritual warfare is amongst us right now. It has been since Bible times and I believe it is getting increasingly worse. So many people are lost and confused about their identity and purpose in life. Satan is certainly busy, but we (Christian brothers and sisters) have to get busy too. You'd be surprised at the number of lost souls who are yearning for our help, but they don't know who to turn to. Lots of Christians just blend in with society and the majority of those we come in contact with are unaware that we are in God's Army. The US military is the most prestigious and organized groups of armed forces in the world. The Lord wants things to be decent and in order too. His army should be just as organized as the US military.
I miss the times when all Christian women of every denomination wore long skirts and were easily identified as members of God's Army. It kinda makes me sad that we are moving away from those old values. Even when skirts and dresses are worn to church, it's only out of respect of the old school church members. On any other day, modesty is cast to the wind.
Often times when I go to stores with my daughter, both of us in long skirts and modestly dressed, I am asked "What church do you go to?" or "Will you pray for me?" I didn't get those questions when I wore jeans and tried to blend in with the world. I've decided to dress modestly and set myself apart from the world in the way I dress. It's a simple way to be easily identified as a soldier in the Army of God during this spiritual warfare. It's our duty to portray Christ in all that we do in order to be a light in a dark world. It's not only in the way we dress, but also the way we act and speak. But lets face it. People will judge a book by it's cover and I want my cover to say "Christ" even before my words are heard.
80-90% of the time, my daughter and I are modestly dressed in a skirt or dress. I'm working towards making this our 100% wardrobe. It's hard (and expensive) to change your entire wardrobe, but it's a change I'm making for God. The Navy gave my husband no choice, so I'm giving myself no choice.
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